A Fresh Start, Though Not in All Ways

Over the past few weeks, when I haven’t felt too tired to sit up, I’ve glared at this oddly familiar white space on my laptop screen, not knowing what to write about.

It’s been so long that it felt weird jumping into pseudo-political blogging, and it also didn’t seem right to turn this blog in a completely different direction after a year’s silence just because I wanted to talk about myself.

So, let’s take a round-up of what’s happened politically and personally over the last 10 months or so.

1.  I got myself a (mostly) full-time job. If anyone tells you that working in retail is easy, please point them in my direction.

2. This in turn has stressed me out, and even though I spend most of my day running around like a blue-arsed fly, it appears I’m still managing to gain weight.

3. Politicians seem to be up to more conniving tricks than when I last appeared on here. Most recently it has been Maria Miller (don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out, love!) cheating her expenses – followed by the Downing Street chums and goat-herds to claim she “only did it because an MP’s wage is too low”. IS IT BUGGERY! Note: my ire has not weaned.

4. The sky is still blue, politicians still lie, and I’m still pissed off about it.



Thoughts? Comments? Questions?